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2006-10-08 05:42:34
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Celtic Souls


...Yu nimbly walk into the dimly lit room and seat yurself at a dark oak table with a small candle placed in the centre. The smells fill your lungs - spices, potatoes, sweets, greens, pies, pints. Studying the strange markings on the table, yu dont notice the celtic girl, [darkest halo] step up to yur table and clear her throat quietly. Startled, yu look up, and quickly turn your stare away from her irish blue eyes. "Are yu celtic, may I ask?" she asks yu in a melodious voice. Yu reply in a matching voice, " I am ma'am." She gives yu a quick but grand smile and whisks off to write your name down and hurries yu into the back. Once your eyes adjust to the light, yu gape the the wondrous sights. "Come in, do not be a stranger." She says as she leads yu into the room.

<img:> <img:>

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2004-09-05 [Urizen]: i agree with templar about the debt issue. you must understand when andrew hamilton structured the economy of the US that he created the idea of a national debt as a good thing, after the revolutionary war the US was in massive debt to many countries. Thomas jefferson wanted to repay the debt, but we chose to keep it. why? think of it like this. if we owe money to a bunch of countries it is in their best interest to keep our economy going healthily so that later on they will get the money back that we owed. if they choose to harm us in any way, or to even let our economy fall, then they loose all of that money. in a way it is a step towards globalization because it causes many other

2004-09-05 [Urizen]: countries to have an interest in our economy, and then if their economy falls, we would want to help it, because they might call to collect the debt. to repay the debt would be to allow other countries to alienate the US if they wish. isolation is not the way to live these days, the US foudn that out to its pain in WWII. therefore, the debt is good for many things.

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: :D I'm just tired of hearing people talk about how much they hate Bush.

2004-09-05 [birdsong]: Well the evidence you speack of name it please ~ I'll bet you'd be hard pressed to do so ! Also , the media is slanted to give us what we can handle ,,run by US intelligence ~ try checking out other sources of info , then I thin you'll see that many have died ~ how do you stand behind that,,,, I am just saying to you get your facts down before you say we are in the right .

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: It is no lie or secret that many were killed by the Iraqi government, and it is evident that we have ended this rule. Granted, no evidence of mass destruction has been found, but that was only a portion of our intentions. We intended to find our attacker and capture him, which we have done. Along with liberating a government. Now, how many would you say have died in this war? Its war. You can't expect nobody to die. I am, honestly, impressed with the loss of life. Normally, wars kill thousands, hundreds of thousands, incredible numbers. How many have we lost in Iraq? I don't know, but I laugh when I hear the news saying, "And they lament the loss of a soldier who died in Iraq." I think,

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: Wow, we've done this with so little losses that a single casualty seems horrible. Yes, I know that it is sad that the person died, but in all rights, there should normally be reports lamenting the hundreds, or thousands, that died in battle. Not one man. Wars won with such little loss of life are indeed impressive.

2004-09-05 [birdsong]: No war was won..bush admitted that himself in an interview last week!

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: Not won, in a manner, but even wars held with little loss. Many may have died, but in the face of other wars, the casualties here were nominal.

2004-09-05 [birdsong]: As was the success of said war

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: Excuse me? Unsuccessful? We achieved two of our main objectives. One, two capture Sadam. We did that. Two, to liberate Iraq. Did that as well. Setting up and employing a new government as we speak. Third, finding and disarming weapons of mass destruction. Found none, but you know, if we hadn't invaded, they probably would still be there. Most likely were smuggled out at the start of the invasion. So two out of three major objectives isn't bad.

2004-09-05 [inconsiderable]: ok. i don't normally discuss politics, but i'm just going to throw my 5.3 cents in here. as far as the war Love is in iraq right now, fighting to "save" people who, for the most part, don't want him there. the ones who do want him there & are worth fighting for are usually beaten/imprisoned/raped/slaughtered/etc before they have a chance to be helped. as far as the national debt goes...perhaps we might not be so far in debt if we didn't give so much aid to other countries. are you suggesting we stop this? one might argue that the aid goes to countries that we have partially help destroy in the first place. however, this isn't *always* the case. and about the wmd, ....

2004-09-05 [inconsiderable]: ...i'll just quote jerry orbach as lenny briscoe on "law & order"..."he knew they were there because his daddy's the one that sold them to them." :-)

2004-09-05 [Urizen]: what is really ironic...look at what aid usually does... when we just give money... an dhow it irritates some problems... (ie north african crises)

2004-09-05 [Byne]: >> Good point Templar. The amin reason I don't like Bush is becuase he's trying to drill oil wells in a national park, which is the home to tons of animals, and not to mention endangered animals, the fact he pulled funding for Women against Domesti     organization, and failed to protect muh needed woodlands from loggers. ( I'm a major enviromentalist)

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: Meh, I don't approve of that much, either. But as usual, I have almost no clue as to what he has done, and where. What national parks is he drilling in?

2004-09-05 [Byne]: He wants to drill in Yova... I can't remeber the name... He isn't being allowed to though. To many people protesting, and what not..

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: o.O I'm horrid with geography. Where's that?

2004-09-05 [Byne]: Um.. I think its in Washginton.. I have no idea.. I haven't studied the states.. ><

2004-09-05 [Urizen]: no, they want to drill more in alaska. ... which would be fine because they know how to contain about 99.9999% of it... you won't see the side effect that you do in other places

2004-09-05 [Byne]: -shakes her head sadly- Ever been to Alaska? It's an incredibly beautiful place, and off the top of Canada.. XD Soon he'll want to drill in one of our terrirtories..

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: Drilling in Alaska is fine. It is remote, pollution wouldn't be bad, and the state is so big that we could never drill an amount that would be problematic. If you want some nice scenery, then you can just look three miles in any other direction, and it would literally be untouched.

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Maybe not problimatic for this or the nest or next generation, but eventually if you keep drilling, it will become a problem. Why do you think the have resouce conservation policeys?

2004-09-05 [Urizen]: i am alaskan btw

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Alright

2004-09-05 [Byne]: AND we're probally going to run out of natrual gas and oil and what not in the next century.. I think.. The climate is changing, becuase f poluttion and what not, and its going to end up killing off everything on the planet.. ><

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Yeah...unless the states agree's to that C something pollicy and help restore that atmosphere, but then again the effects of UV is already pretty strong.

2004-09-05 [Aradon Templar]: Before we run out of natural gas, we will have other forms of energy under control, and will be using that. Solar power can be improved, perfected, so that it can replace gas. But our problem is that we are running out of gas, and we need more. Hence we go get some from the giant supplies in Alaska. But I'm sure the drilling wouldn't get out of hand, in Alaska. Bush knows as well as anyone that we need to conserve it.

2004-09-05 [Byne]: Yep. But manufactos keep on making stipid, breakable, and undecomposable items.. We also have major issues with Fair trade and poverty..

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Yeah! No offence US, but you guys need to pick up on a couplke of things quick or you guys are gonna fall. And still, We will run out of resources even faster, as we are not using enviormentaly forms of producing energy, changing the envoirnment throught the use of them, and reducing the resources being formed throught that. We already have air problems, which will effect plants, which will inturn effect plants and animals and then us.

2004-09-05 [Byne]: Yep. You said it Shee

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Lol..thanks

2004-09-05 [Byne]: Welcome.

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: So whats new everyone?

2004-09-05 [Byne]: I start school on Tuesday..

2004-09-05 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: Me too....

2004-09-06 [Lioness123]: :) I don't start again til october!

2004-09-06 [Lioness123]: but, in response to what you guys were talking about before, I think we're coming out with great new technology which will save energy and help reduce pollution. I don't things will ever get as bad as some of you guys think. The loggers, for every tree they cut down, they plant a new one.

2004-09-06 [Urizen]: try finnish methods... supposedly they have some of the best conservationist methods around

2004-09-06 [Byne]: Merf.. XD

2004-09-10 [Lioness123]: HelloooOOOooo.....*echos*

2004-09-10 [Byne]: Oo

2004-09-10 [Lioness123]: lol, anyone home?

2004-09-15 [birdsong]: Could someone explain 'XD' to me?

2004-09-15 [Byne]: Its a face.... XD

2004-09-15 [Lioness123]: ;D

2004-09-15 [Byne]: ^^

2004-09-15 [Lioness123]: you guys wanna hear a funny story? On the radio they said there was a guy who went to a fancy pizza resturaunt with a bunch of his friends...Now, the resturaunt has a mandatory 18% tip that the people have to pay if they are a party of 6 or more. The man was not satisfied with the service OR the food, so he left a 10% tip. The cops came and arrested him for theft of services, even though he paid for the food, and still left a tip.

2004-09-15 [Lioness123]: isn't that the biggest load of sh** you've ever heard....

2004-09-15 [Byne]: Yup

2004-09-15 [Aradon Templar]: Not if the tip was clearly stated. It becomes part of the price, in fact.

2004-09-16 [Byne]: Oo.... I don't eat out much... Oo

2004-09-16 [Aradon Templar]: Eh, me neither. Rare occasion, if ever.

2004-09-16 [pegasus1000]: I do eat out, but that is because I am usually on the go. It makes things easy.

2004-09-16 [Lioness123]: well, I'm the kind of person that I leave the tip that you deserve. If the server provides a crappy service, don't expect me to leave a very good tip, if any at all.

2004-09-16 [birdsong]: Oh,XD..a face..Thanks!!

2004-09-16 [Byne]: Welcome, and my mum is a huge health person...

2004-09-16 [birdsong]: Cool!

2004-09-16 [Byne]: Yep.. Oo

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: lol, people are funny.....some people remind me why Jesus refered to humanity as "sheep". Baaaahhh!

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: *sighs* i am most decidedly convinced that god is a sadist

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: ???????!.....?

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: *sighs* look up the words if you do not understand... i do not feel like writing a paragraph as i am unsure of your grasp of vocabulary.

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: I know what you said...I just want to know why/how you could come to that conclusion.

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: *smiles* the creation and allowence of some things. stalin, the north africa chrisis, hitler, the black plague, AIDs, child molestation, rape... we are but a soap opera for a very bored higher level individual (if this god even exists)

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: well, I'm not going to get into any kind of debate because I can see that we are not going to agree, because I seriously disagree with you. But anyhoo...

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: *laughs* yes you will, i know you will. because people fear that statement. fear to think that a god who made them could have made them for such a trivial matter as "entertainment"...

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: I don't fear that statement, I'm just disgusted to hear it and don't want to get myself all pissed off and say something I'll regret.

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: that is fine. i dont mind. personally, i'm too jaded anyways, quite bitter and cynical. i make most people with a codified and boxed outlook on life angry, or i make them suicidal *laughs* which is ironic, since i am far from suicidal. *laughs* it is sad what people can't deal with.

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: why do you think you make people suicidal?

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: because i see things they would rather not.

2004-09-17 [Lioness123]: Hmm...ok

2004-09-17 [birdsong]: This is a very peculiar twist.I imagine what Urizen mostly gets is ignored.

2004-09-17 [Urizen]: no, i get yelled at. i get shouted at. or i get people crying telling me it isn't true, when the desperately act like it is. yes, i do get ignored somtimes. but not as much as i would think

2004-09-18 [birdsong]: Hmm..your rant just doesn't sound that interesting..

2004-09-18 [Urizen]: *shrugs* to some who care, i talk to them. to people who live in apathy, why should they care? they do not question their life, they exist in it. why should they care as long as they have food on the table, a shelter, and are relatively safe from any threat?... and it is boring to talk to those people, because they accept life. no matter how dull it it.

2004-09-18 [Lioness123]: Life is what you make of it. If you want to make something of yourself, then get out there and do it. If things suck, change it!

2004-09-18 [deleted, gone]: yeah!

2004-09-18 [Urizen]: *smiles* which is why you live, rather than just exist

2004-09-19 [Lioness123]: yep :)

2004-09-19 [Urizen]: *laughs* i feel sorry for ayn rand. she had such an amazing philosophy, but couldn't exist in it. not could she perfect it. she died wondering why she had lived

2004-09-21 [Lioness123]: this room got really quiet...*listens to crickets chirping*

2004-09-21 [rame16]: i agree with Urizen. it's no solution to"fill in" existence untill we die. there's an answer to look for . of course the man that imagines god with a big beard and thunder in his hand, is out of the question .

2004-09-21 [rame16]: god created human, earth and animals like he puts an end to them, we're part of a circle . our death permits another circle to begin.i think the truth is : we never die

2004-09-21 [rame16]: i'm sure my birth was part, or result, of someone's or something's death . and the link between both of us, is god . he permits all this, just like a computer permits the internet to exist

2004-09-21 [WolfBrother]: hi guy's ;) u no wha, i just remembered i forgot to wear underwear ^__^

2004-09-21 [Aradon Templar]: Thats great. Why don't you go back and get some, eh?

2004-09-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: O.^

2004-10-08 [WolfBrother]: maybe i dont wanna, hmmmm, did ya ever think about THAT, did ya, WELL??!!?!.........sorry...

2004-10-08 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It was only a suggestion

2004-10-08 [Urizen]: *grins* hey! going without is comfortable...i suspect it is even more freeing for males... mmmm...*is curious about what that would feel like*

2004-10-08 [Aradon Templar]: While it may be comfortable, it is information we hardly need to know, here.

2004-10-08 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL I think it might feel like something is flopping between their legs, but if they wear boxers it might not be that much different

2004-10-08 [Lokasenna]: ok.....*backs out of room*

2004-10-09 [deleted, gone]: lol

2004-10-09 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I think I was a wee bit too descriptive

2004-10-09 [Lioness123]: what in the world are we talking about?

2004-10-09 [Monni]: *as fog rolls into the room a beautifull woman walks in...Looks around and then finds a seat at the back of the room and sits by herself*

2004-10-10 [Monni]: is any one here

2004-10-10 [Lokasenna]: I'm here. But a little uncomfterble.

2004-10-10 [Monni]: y uncomfertable?

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: we were talking about guys going "free-style"

2004-10-10 [Monni]: oh...

2004-10-10 [Lokasenna]: It was . . .very strange.

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: lol, sorry, too much imagination

2004-10-10 [Lokasenna]: I'm scard! for life

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL

2004-10-10 [Lokasenna]: *hides in corner rocking back and forth*

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It's almost gone

2004-10-10 [Lokasenna]: Ok, thank you.

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: About 3-4 more comments I think

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh and then Templar won't see it!

2004-10-10 [Aradon Templar]: Oh, I've been keeping an eye on here... but, being as disturbed as I am by this conversation, I haven't had much reason to comment :P

2004-10-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: oops

2004-10-10 [Aradon Templar]: Of course :) And you peoples have too much imagination for your own good :P

2004-10-10 [Erutan]: One can never have too much of an imagination... ^_^

2004-10-10 [Lioness123]: just don't let it run away with you ;)

2004-10-10 [Aradon Templar]: You can have too much if you make poor use of it -.-'

2004-10-10 [Erutan]: Lioness, that it all too true! ^_^ Templar, to make poor use of such a thing as an imagination is not to have too much but in turn is actually having too little. Because when you think about it to make good use of such a thing you really do need to have a great abundence of it... ^_-

2004-10-10 [Aradon Templar]: Well, in this case, imagination seems to be a bad thing - and thus, one can have too much imagination :P

2004-10-10 [Erutan]: ? How is it that imagination is thus a bad thing?? I have yet to find a case in which one can have too much of an imagination, nor have I come across any supposition that having an abundence of imagination is in any way a bad thing, by all means it has been seen as a very good thing for it helps with creativity and aids in the solution to difficult tasks.

2004-10-10 [Aradon Templar]: If your imagination ends up leading to conversations about people not wearing underwear, I dare say it isn't a great idea :P

2004-10-11 [Lioness123]: no, thats not imaginitive, thats just being, like me :)

2004-10-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It isn't the imagination, it is how it is used, most things aren't nessesarilly good or bad, it's just how they are used

2004-10-11 [Lioness123]: like guns

2004-10-11 [Erutan]: That sounds about right...

2004-10-11 [Monni]: I am bored and have nothing else to do

2004-10-11 [Lioness123]: *sits here eating breakfast (poptarts)*

2004-10-11 [Aradon Templar]: XD So having too much imagination is like having too many guns

2004-10-11 [Lioness123]: *slaps forehead* no no no...edana was trying to say that anything when used the wrong way can be bad.

2004-10-11 [Erutan]: I know this... and I agree fully

2004-10-12 [Aradon Templar]: Yes, I know. I just felt like making an absurd comparison.

2004-10-12 [Lokasenna]: Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides. quted from Rita Mae Brown. You may ask why I put that there, I even don't know that answer.

2004-10-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Having lots of guns isn't nessesarilly a bad thing. I've been eating potarts for breakfast too, Lioness

2004-10-12 [Lioness123]: lol, I usually have fried chicken TV dinners for breakfast...I hate typical breakfast food (toast, eggs, etc.

2004-10-12 [Lokasenna]: Having dinner in the morning instead of breakfast actully engergizs yuo better.

2004-10-12 [Monni]: *walks into the room and looks around..* Why wont anyone talk to me?

2004-10-13 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: HI MONNI!!!  My favorite is still cold pizza

2004-10-13 [Lioness123]: morag, I;ve never heard of that before, I just know that sausages and pancakes make me sick.

2004-10-13 [Lokasenna]: I heard it from someone @ school and they were talking about eveyones fav. subject, food, and said that.

2004-10-13 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Sometimes, ANYTHING will make me sick in the morning, or anytime really, just thinking about food can trigger it

2004-10-13 [Lokasenna]: Catnip works amazingly for unset stomaches.

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Not, mine, and trust me we have cats. And no I'm not pregnant...

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: Wha? Who said anything about being pregent?

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh that was the first thing the doctors asked me when I brought it up to them 5 years ago, but I haven't had a kid yet, and nothings changed, it's just gotten worse, it isn't only in the morning any more

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: E-coli? Maybe. It starts out w/ a stomache

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: no, I've gotten further consultation and we think it is either my messed up spine, the vertabrea were the stomach nerves exit are kinda asque, or it is hormone inbalance, but I don't have the money to do the hormone testing right now

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: Ah yes, That would do it.

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Ok good I didn't get too technical for you, I was toning down, I'm not sure how much you know about that kind of stuff

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: I got it.I may be only 14 but I'm not THAT stupid

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: ok, not sure, some people these days know nothing of their bodies, it isn't taught as much in the schools

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: I know this stuff because my 8th grade health teacher made us read textbooks all the time.

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Good for him

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: Her.

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: oops

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: Yeah. Mean person though.

2004-10-14 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: lol

2004-10-14 [Lokasenna]: Thought I would kill myself just because I liked Myths and book insead of makeup and boys.

2004-10-15 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: hey...thats not cool...

2004-10-15 [Lokasenna]: I know my old school was really shitty.

2004-10-15 [Shee A'beanne Alainn]: thats not cool at all, you alright there?

2004-10-15 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: :P School's over rated

2004-10-15 [Lioness123]: no, school is a very good thing... its the social groups that are over rated...

2004-10-15 [Lokasenna]: Now thankfuly I am in High School. I go to Nova and is kicks ass!

2004-10-16 [Lioness123]: cool! I'm happy for you.

2004-10-16 [Lokasenna]: Why thank you.

2004-10-16 [Lioness123]: :P

2004-10-16 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I don't know Nova, I went to a wanna be ghetto school where there was an average of a fight a day.

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: hello me new so i thought I would drop a line and say hi

2004-10-16 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: hello, how are you?

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: just surfin around more of less....though between trying to study celticsim and do homework is kind hard

2004-10-16 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: lol, I understand

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: how did you get into things celtic?

2004-10-16 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: me? uh, I don't know it was too long ago

2004-10-16 [Lokasenna]: Same here. Evidently when I was 2 months old the only music I would listen to was Celtic.

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: I got into it hardcore when I was about 16.....late bloomer I know.....though I wish I had more time to study everything.

2004-10-17 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: more time... it's a luxury

2004-10-17 [Lioness123]: lol, aint it though? I work all the time and when I'm not at work I'm at class, when not in class I should be studying...

2004-10-17 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: yep *sighs8


2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Actually, I support Bush quite strongly :)

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I'm not fond of either Bush or Kerry... but then I'm not even old enough to vote yet so it really doesn't matter.

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Hehe, I can't vote either... Three more years...

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: I don't like my country. I am also not old enough anyway. I wish I could go to N. Ireland.

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I may have been born to the US, but my heart belongs to Europe. - The British Ilse to be more specific. I hope to leave as soon as I am able.

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: *raises glass of grog* Here here!

2004-10-20 [deleted, gone]: [ertan]...for your info bush is not catholic.....and kerry is pro-choice....that means for abortion and womans right to yes if u suport murder vote for kerry.

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I support murder! ^_^!

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: I do not support Murder.. But think of it this way... would you what a 15 year old girl who was raped by her father... or anyone for that matter to have to carry that child?? And what if you knew that if the girl knew that by carrying that child and let it grow she herself would die and that there was a good chance that the child would die as well.... whould you want that girl to carry it or have her live and remove it.  There are many angles to think about it... in the end It is the Girls Choce!... No one elses.... and on top of that ... Bush wants to make it against the law to be Gay...I have friends and Family who are Gay and you know something I want them to be happy too... and their

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: same sex marige would not bother me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I'm all for homosexual relationships! Population control! Too many damned people on this earth as it is.

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: well.. Bush is against it.. and that is not cool!

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: They can be gay, but gay marraige defeats the purpose of marraige- Marraige benifits are given to couples because they are offering back population to the country. What can gay couples offer?

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: They can offer homes to those Children left out in the streets after Str8 copples decide that they no longer want the children! They Can help by saveing the lives of all of the Orphans that are in this world as it is!!! 

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: They can do that without being married, and so can straight people.


2004-10-20 [Erutan]: To deny someone there happynes is wrong!!!!!!! No matter what.... if they what to express their love and happyness with eachother and their loved ones then they too should have that right and BENIFIT!

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: I agree, half the marraiges in this world are wrong. And marraige is not required for love. Nobody will stop them from loving each other, just not inside marraige. But I have to disagree that to deny someone their happiness is wrong. What if their view of happiness is to kill everyone. You wanna be first to line up for him to shoot?


2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Actually, you were talking about rights to happiness in reference to gay marraige. I am using an analogy. You get my drift as well. To some people, gay marraige is just as abbhorent as mass murder. If it offends a large population, they don't have a right to it. Simple as.

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: You Make me sick.... other people should not and by Constitutional rights cannot decide what other people can and cannot do when it comes to same sex marriages!!!  And Why it offends them is beyond me... who the Fuck is it hurting.. when a same sex coupple are together~!? NO ONE!!!! THAT IS WHO!!!!!!!!

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